Reset SimpliSafe Camera

How to Reset SimpliSafe Camera?

Reset SimpliSafe camera will restore the factory default settings on your camera. Once you go about the SimpliSafe reset procedure, you will have to perform certain steps. It just takes a few minutes for you to reset to its original settings. The reset process allows you to revert your camera’s settings to the original configuration and reconfigure the device from beginning. 

Most users want to learn how to reset home security camera because they have either come across the problems with their cameras or just want to sell or gift it to someone. Regardless of the situation, you must follow the steps very carefully or else you may find yourself in some trouble. 

This post will walk you through the the reasons for SimpliSafe camera reset process. After that, you will learn about the SimpliSafe reset steps. Kindly make sure you follow these whole procedure with utmost care. 

Why you need to reset SimpliSafe Camera

The SimpliSafe device reset is important for a number of reasons. We have put down some of the most common scenarios or reasons why you need to perform the your reset camera process. 

  • Camera malfunction or unresponsiveness

If you observe that your came is unresponsive or does not work properly, it is the right time to reset SimpliSafe camera to the factory default settings. We suggest that you first go through the basic troubleshooting steps and then reset your device in this case. 

  • Changing Wi-Fi network or router

In case you want to change the network on your camera, you need to reset it. Even if you have modified the WiFi password of your network, you must go about the Simplisafe camera reset process. 

  • Moving the camera to a new location

If you have shifted to a new location or you have changed the placement of the camera, you must reset it. Once you are done with the SimpliSafe reset camera process, you can reconfigure the camera as per your requirement. 

Steps to Reset SimpliSafe Camera

You can learn how to reset SimpliSafe camera using two different methods. We have put down those two methods in this section. Let’s discuss them all!

Method 1: Simpli-Safe cam reset using app 

  1. Firstly, download the SimpliSafe app on your mobile. It will install automatically. 
  2. If you already have the app, simply open it on your device. 
  3. Login to the SimpliSafe account. You may need to enter the username and password. 
  4. After that, you will be logged into the SimpliSafe camera. 
  5. Tap Cameras and then select the camera that you wish to reset. 
  6. Go to Setteings and then tap the SimpliSafe reset camera option. 
  7. Follow the in-app prompts to reset SimpliSafe cam to the default settings. 

Method 2: Simpli-Safe reset cam using the reset button 

  1. Make sure the SimpliSafe camera is power On. 
  2. Locate the SimpliSafe camera reset button, which is usually on the back side of the camera. 
  3. Press and hold the reset button using the paper clip for at least 12 seconds. 
  4. Thereafter, release the button and the camera will go through the reset. 
  5. Finally, the your camera will be reset successfully. 

Troubleshooting Tips for Resetting SimpliSafe Camera

Here are some of the most effective SimpliSafe camera reset troubleshooting steps in case you encounter any issues while attempting to reset SimpliSafe camera. 

  1. Firstly, power cycle your device. Power Off the camera and then turn it On after a few minutes. 
  2. Secondly, make sure the camera is in active mode before you go about the Simpli-Safe reset cam process. 
  3. After that, be sure that you are holding down the button for specified time. 
  4. You may use a paper clip or any other pointed object to press the button properly. 
  5. If your device does not reset, you can use the app method. 
  6. Make sure the SimpliSafe app is updated to the most recent version. 
  7. Follow the aforementioned steps to reset your camera successfully. 


This page was all about how to reset SimpliSafe camera to the factory default settings using the app and the reset button method. We suggest that you always use the reset button to go about the SimpliSafe cam reset process. This will make sure your device completely erases its custom settings. That way, you will be able to reset your camera from the beginning once again. 

We hope this page helped you learn everything about the reset camera process. If you still encounter any issues, make sure you get in touch with our support team for more help. 


How to reset simplisafe outdoor camera

To reset your SimpliSafe outdoor camera, use the SimpliSafe app. Login to your account and then choose the camera that you wish to reset. After that, go to Settings and then tap Factory Reset.

Will resetting my SimpliSafe camera delete the recorded footage?

Yes, resetting your camera will delete all the recorded videos and images. You must take a backup of your data before you reset to the default factory settings. 

Can I reset my SimpliSafe camera using the mobile app?

Yes, you can definitely reset your SimpliSafe cam using the mobile app. Login to your Simpli-Safe account and then select the camera that you want to reset. Go to Settings and then select the Factory Reset option. Finally, the camera will be reset. 

What should I do if the camera still doesn’t work after resetting?

The camera will not work after the reset. You will have to configure your camera using the SimpliSafe app once again. Only then, you will be able to use your camera.

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